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Mail Ordered Bride Page 7


  The moment Stone pulls out of me I sink down on the mattress, my legs unable to hold me anymore and my arms just as limp. I roll to my side, my eyes closed and my breath so ragged it can be heard all through the room.

  I hear Stone’s footsteps. I manage to open at least one eye and see him walking to the forgotten shower to turn it off.

  “I need to clean up,” I mumble, and I have no idea how loud I said that, or if he can even hear me.

  I get my answer a few moments later, when he lies down beside me, spooning me, my back to his front, our legs tangled. He takes his much larger hand and links his fingers through my smaller ones. Then he brings our joined hands between my legs. I can feel the stickiness there and if I had the energy I’d probably blush. Right now that would take too much effort.

  He pushes our hands against my pussy, holding it firm.

  “My cum doesn’t leave your body, Carly. We’ll hold it in there. I want it all inside of you, baby.”

  Whoa. Did he just say that?

  “But… Stone…” I start and then stop talking, because I have no idea what to say.

  “I want you pregnant with my baby, Carly. I want it,” he admits and his answer stops my breath mid-exhale. My chest goes tight.

  “You do?” I whisper carefully.

  “You’re not leaving me, Carly. We’re staying married, you’re going to have our child, and we’re going to grow old together. Do you hear me?” he whispers.

  I couldn’t help but hear him. He’s whispering it in my ear, his heated breath almost as real as a soft touch. His words are so profound they bring a tear to my eyes.

  “I hear you,” I whisper, tightening my hand in his and my thighs too to keep us right there, holding his cum inside of me.

  “And you will love me, Carly. Someday you will love me so deeply that it hurts to breathe without me.”

  “I will,” I vow to him, knowing that it will happen because I’m close to that point now. The thought of leaving him was tearing me up inside.

  “I know, baby, because I will love you the same way. We’re forever, Carly. Do you understand?”

  “We’re forever, Stone,” I agree, letting those tears fall and it’s okay. These tears are perfectly fine, because they are happy tears.

  A while later, I fall asleep just like that. Wrapped up in my husband’s arms, our hands linked between my legs, holding him inside of me.

  I’ve never been happier.



  Five years later

  I get in from work and with the closing of the door peace finds me. Carly has given me that. The moment I walk into our house, I feel free. Instantly the smell of dinner hits me. She’s making beef stew tonight. My wife has many hidden talents, but her cooking is something that can’t be matched and her beef stew melts in your mouth. I follow the sounds from the kitchen and instantly smile as I round the corner to the open room.

  Carly is at the kitchen bar, helping our four-year-old daughter, Lela, make cookies. They’re laughing and Carly is sifting her fingers through Lela’s hair much like she does mine. I doubt she’s even aware she does it, but the touch is soft and full of love.

  “What are my girls doing?” I ask, unable to stay apart from them a minute longer. This is my sanctuary—my purpose. Being with my family is what makes life good. In just five short years, I’ve gone from a solitary man with nothing to a man who has everything. Carly gave that to me.

  “Daddy!” Lela cries. Carly helps her get down from the barstool and then she takes off running as fast as she can to me. I bend down and scoop my little angel up while she presses her head to my chest and wraps her little body around me.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I tell her softly, enjoying having her close.

  Carly follows at a much slower rate, but then she has to these days. Her stomach is tight with our second child. Her hand rests on her stomach, and she smiles at me with so much happiness and love, my heart feels completely full.

  “Hey, handsome,” she whispers, when she gets to us. I lean down and give her a quick kiss. “You have a hard day at work?” she asks when we break apart.

  “I don’t even remember,” I tell her honestly. I never remember how bad things were on the outside, not when I get here. I wasn’t kidding either. Carly and Lela make the world go away for me.

  “Lela, go wash up and you can keep Daddy company while I heat his dinner up.”

  “Okay, Mommy. We can read my new book, Daddy!” she yells excitedly as I help her slide to the floor. She immediately takes off running and it’s almost in perfect unison that her mother and I both yell.

  “Stop running, Lela!”

  “Okay!” she calls out, and she does slow down—though not very much.

  “That girl is going to be a track star someday,” Carly laughs.

  “Olympic gold medalist,” I agree. “Give me those lips, baby. I missed you.”

  She goes willingly into my arms and we kiss. I don’t know how it’s possible, but each time we kiss—even after all this time—it just gets better.

  “You always say you missed me,” she whispers, smiling up at me.

  “It’s always true,” I answer with a shrug. “You have a good day?”

  “Stone, how could I not have a good day? I’m with you,” she says simply.

  I look at this woman. A woman who may not have loved me when she came, but a woman I claimed. She claimed my heart, and she owns my soul. I’d be lost without her. We might not have met in the most traditional of ways and we definitely had our share of road blocks, but I wouldn’t change any of it.

  “I love you, Carly Matthews, forever.”

  “I love you, Stone. I’ll love you forever and a day.”

  “Daddy! Here’s my book!” Lela cries, coming back into the room, and we both smile.

  I may have ordered a bride from the internet over five years ago, but I didn’t get a bride.

  I got my soulmate.

  Coming Soon from Tory


  An older male, younger woman romance


  Sometimes things happen out of the blue and you just know fate is at work. That’s what this is. It’s that moment you’re walking down the street and suddenly your steps falter because you see this man, this Greek Adonis that literally takes your breath away.

  I’m used to being the girl that’s unseen. I’m five foot six inches and I have curves in the wrong places. I’m okay with it, and even with the extra curves I like who I am. The one thing I love most about myself is my wavy chestnut-brown hair and deep brown eyes. I may never be a super model, but I wouldn’t want to be.

  The man I see, though, he could be a supermodel. He’s that hot, but you can tell that’s not his lifestyle. He’s more at home in faded jeans than the latest fashions. I can tell, plus, he’s working with his hands. Big, beautiful hands that make me tingle just looking at them. I really hope what they say about big hands is true… And a man looking like that, you just know he has magical fingers. His shirt is off, he has on soft faded jeans that are ripped from years of washing, and a pair of work boots. A man’s man. But what really draws my attention is his arms. This man’s arms really are a work of art.

  Oh shit, he saw me staring…. damn it. I hope I’m at least not drooling. His smirk says it all. He knows I’ve been checking him out. He’s enjoying it. He even flexes his muscles. Oh God, I’m heated now. The worst part is, even with my tan, I’m as red as a tomato.

  I start walking again and he slowly makes his way toward me. I do my best to not look his way. If I can just continue walking, maybe he’ll stop coming my way.

  No such luck.

  “Hey,” he says and his voice is smooth like a strong whiskey. I might as well kiss my ovaries goodbye now, because he just melted them.

  “Hi,” I answer, feeling flushed everywhere. Could I seriously sound any less cool? When he asks my name, I start mumbling to myself, trying to get the words ou

  “Um… my name, uh, my name is Emma,” I stammer. What is wrong with me? I might as well insert my foot into my mouth now.

  “I’m Dex. I couldn’t help but notice you almost tripped back there. Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I say meekly. Never in a million years would I think I would meet a man like him. Besides a body that makes a woman think of sex, he has dark brown hair, almost black, and green eyes that a girl could get lost in. All that is topped off with the most sensuous lips ever invented, and a killer smile. Yep, my panties have incinerated.

  “Thank you. I’ll just be um…going now.” I turn to walk away, but he stops me with a touch of his hand. Hands that are rough from work. Most women would think rough, callused working-man hands are gross. But all I can think is how they would feel touching me, scraping and teasing against my skin. My nipples go instantly hard, and somehow I blush an even deeper red when I catch him staring, seeing the way they are pebbled and pushing against my shirt.

  “Wait…. Emma. I know I’m working and filthy right now, but I’m not about to let you walk away. Let me take you out. I won’t take no for an answer, sweetheart.”

  Well shit. How am I supposed to say no to this alpha male? He’s got me so turned on, I could come with just his hand on my wrist.

  “I guess I’m saying yes then,” I tell him, smiling timidly. I don’t know who this person is that has possessed me. Blushing, stammering, and whispering…saying yes to a stranger.

  He pulls out his phone. “What’s your number?” I tell him and he immediately calls me. “Just wanted to make sure that’s a real number,” he says with a wink. All I can think is—do women really give this man the wrong number?

  “It is. I promise,” I tell him, confirming the obvious, since he just called it!

  “I’ll call you when I get off work tonight,” he says, and then he does something I never expected. He kisses me. Me! He kisses me, so lightly it’s almost a whisper-like sensation. It’s a tease and I instantly want more.

  “I’ll be talking to you soon, sweetheart.”

  Fuck me running, I think I’m in trouble.


  Did you enjoy this story? Any reviews are appreciated, it’s very hard for new authors to get reviews up for their books.

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  Other Books by Tory Baker

  Spreading Christmas Joy: