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Craving More (Nighthawk Security Book 2) Page 5

  “Well, I’m not going to complain about that. Are we taking two vehicles to work or one?” Her hips sway as she walks toward me.

  “We can take one, but who knows how much I’ll be in and out of the office? As much as I want you with me one hundred percent of the time, I know you have to still live your life and do your shit at work that you need to do. Plus, if I keep you attached to my hip, Liam wins, and I’ll be damned if we let him scare you.” My hand molds around her lower back, dipping to squeeze her ass.

  “He’s not going to win. In fact, I refuse to even think about it. Do you think we can stay at your place one night this week? I want to brush up on some of the self-defense moves you taught me.” After we hired her on at Nighthawk, I offered Kellie some sessions on learning how to handle yourself in case she got into a situation and none of us were around. It took me two months to convince her, but I wore her ass down. Even so much as having her over twice a week and making her dinner or bringing it in.

  “Yeah, you want to head there after work? You have the code. I’ll pick up Legend and then head to my place,” I offer.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll pack a bag. I know you mentioned talking to Easton. Have you done that yet?”

  “It’s on my list for today. Why don’t we stay at my place until the alarm system is completely set up, then we’ll come back here?” I move her so she’s standing in front of me, slowly backing her up against the counter, wanting to kiss the hell out of those red lips of hers.

  “I’ll cook. I know you keep a stocked fridge and pantry.” Her pretty face is upturned, looking at me. Our height difference even in the heels she’s wearing still has her at a disadvantage when it comes to us being eye to eye. I fucking love how much smaller she is to my stature.

  “I’d like that. Your tea is in a travel mug. I didn’t make your lunch though. I’m sure Taylor will be stopping by at some point today to check in on you.” My lips land on hers. She gives me every ounce of her sweetness, neither of us caring that her lipstick is smearing everywhere.

  “Fuck,” I grunt out when our kiss ends.

  “Shit, now we both have to fix ourselves. Maybe I should quit wearing lipstick when you’re around,” she jokes, grabbing a paper towel, wetting it, and wiping the lipstick off of my lips.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll still take your lips every chance I can get.” My thumb comes up to take care of the mess I made of her. It’s the truth. It doesn’t matter if Kellie has makeup on or is fresh faced, clothed to the nines or wearing worn-out clothes—I’ll always want her.

  “Okay.” When her voice comes out breathless, it has my dick lengthening in my jeans.

  “Alright.” I nod my head, grab my cup of black coffee, swallow the rest before rinsing my cup out and placing it in the dishwasher.

  “There’s something to be said about a man who doles out orgasms, cooks, and cleans.” I turn around, catching Kellie staring at my body. I’m in my standard uniform of dark jeans, black polo with our Nighthawks logo on it, and boots. It’s nothing to write home about, but when my woman gives me those eyes, I feel like I’m ten feet tall.

  “I’ll show you just how many orgasms I can wring out of you tonight.”

  “Does that mean I get to return the favor?” she asks while we pick up what we need to head out the door.

  “Fuck yes, you do.” I pat Legend’s head, then we both head out the door. I need to get Easton out here and fast. I know he pulled away from Nighthawk to create his own business, but sometimes it’s nice to have his set of eyes to see what needs to be placed where.

  I lock Kellie’s front door before guiding her out to her car. “I’ll be right behind you. See you at work, sunshine.” I kiss her forehead knowing if I don’t get in my own vehicle, neither one of us will make it.

  “I’ll see you there.” She kisses my chest, right on top of my heart, something I’ve noticed she’s done since we solidified our relationship. I nod waiting for her to slide in and start her car before heading to my vehicle. This woman has my heart. Fuck, if I’m being honest, she owns every damn piece of me.



  This has been the slowest day at work ever. Finally, after an hour of literally twiddling my thumbs, I stand up and see what the guys’ offices look like and if I can tidy them up. If there’s nothing left for me to do, I’ll text Taylor and Raelynn. Maybe we can meet here for lunch or something. I swear we haven’t been this slow in forever.

  The ringing of my desk phone stops me from standing up. “Nighthawk Security, how may I help you?” I answer the phone, waiting to hear who’s on the other end, praying it’s something work related yet having that eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach all the same.

  “Hello,” I say after not hearing anyone answer. The heavy breathing and grunting on the other end of the line lets me know someone’s there; they just aren’t answering. I keep trying to get the person to respond while texting Bridger to come up to the front.

  “Is anyone there?” I ask to hopefully get someone to answer. This has Liam written all over it. Bridger makes an appearance along with Drake.

  “I can’t hear you. Can you tell me how I can help you?” I point at the phone, cluing them in.

  Drake mouths to put the phone on speaker. I do that, trying to make sure I’m as quiet as I can be while doing what he asks.

  The heavy breathing doesn’t stop, and now the moaning is picking up. There’s no way someone is doing that on the other end. No freaking way.

  “Hello?” I say again, and that’s when the person on the other end hangs up.

  I place the phone back in its cradle and turn to Bridger, who’s standing with his hands placed on his hips, fuming fucking mad, and Drake, who looks like he’s about to lunge through my phone he’s staring at.

  “I guess we’ll be monitoring and recording all phone calls from this moment on,” Drake grouses.

  “No shit. That vile piece of shit.” Bridger is pissed, and I don’t think I’ve seen him this upset, well, ever.

  “Maybe it wasn’t Liam?” I throw out there, trying to calm the raging storm that’s building inside him.

  “And the Pope isn’t catholic,” Drake interjects. I side-eye him, letting him know he isn’t freaking helping.

  “Come on, we’re calling it quits today. There’s nothing going on. We may as well pick up Legend and head to my place,” Bridger states, not even allowing me to answer. Something tells me he needs me to follow his lead this time around.

  “Sure, I was already going to see if the offices needed to be cleaned, and if not, see about leaving early anyway.” I start logging out of my computer, switch the phone to my cell phone like I do for the weekends, not that I expect it to ring very much, and grab my purse.

  “Let me go do the same. Drake, watch the front. I’ll go grab your bags out of the car. I don’t trust that piece of shit as far as I can spit.” His voice is full of anger, not that I can blame him.

  “He’s pissed. Easton can’t make it. Cam’s pregnant. He’s happy for them, but Bridger wanted his eyes, and this puts a kink in things. Slade and I will be over probably, as well as Travis, sometime this afternoon to work on his security system, then we’ll use the company for your place.”

  “Have Slade bring Taylor and Travis bring Raelynn. I’m going to have him grill, and us girls can make the sides. He’ll be calmed down by the time you all head over,” I tell him, knowing just what I’m going to do when we get to Bridger’s place.

  “If you say so.” He shrugs and literally watches me until Bridger is back up front.

  “Ready?” he asks.

  “Yeah, Legend is going to be so excited. Plus, your place has more grass than mine. He won’t wander too far off, will he?”

  “Nah, it’s all fenced in. He can go off and come in when he’s ready. He’ll be happy and safe, I promise.” Bridger wraps his hand around my waist, waving goodbye to Drake, and ushers me out to his vehicle. I swear Nighthawk Security must b
e code for oversized SUV with its black color, black rims, and black window tint. If they wanted to blend in, they missed their mark.

  “Just how are you going to calm me down, sunshine?” Bridger asks once we’re both ensconced in the vehicle.

  “Oh, you’ll just have to wait and see. I have a whole bag of tricks up my sleeve.” Really, I have no idea, but I’m thinking me bare and naked in his bed will do the trick. This time, I’ll be the one on top. He just doesn’t know it yet.

  “I’m sure you do.” Bridger has one hand on the steering wheel. His arm is flexed, showing off his firm muscles even if he really isn’t putting on a show, but seeing how at ease he is behind the wheel is yet another turn-on. I’m thinking I’ll need to walk around with a fan for between my legs with how much heat he pours off his body.

  I fan my face all the while it only causes Bridger to smile, which only intensifies the need I have for him. “It’s going to be a long car ride home,” I whisper to myself. Knowing my luck, he heard me. So, I sit back in my seat and think about something else until we get to my place.



  We scooped up Legend on our way to my place. He made himself at home in the back of my Tahoe. I was worried he’d pace back and forth in the back, but he shocked me by lying down right away.

  “I forgot how beautiful your place was. It’s been awhile since I’ve been out here,” Kellie says. I saw the desire written on her face earlier, and it only made me want her more.

  “Thanks, there’ve been a few changes since you’ve been here last. The kitchen is finally upgraded, and the bathrooms are done too. I think next year, I’ll add a hot tub to the in-ground pool. Did you bring your bathing suit?” I ask Kellie, already thinking about her in the backyard floating around in the water in nothing but a bikini. Not having a lot of neighbors could work to my advantage. If the cards are stacked in my favor, I could probably have her naked, which causes a whole other slew of ideas playing on repeat in my mind.

  “I can’t wait to see. Of course I brought my bathing suit. There’s no way I’m not enjoying the pool in some way, shape, or form. I figure since Easton isn’t heading here, we’ll be staying at your place more than mine. So, while you scooped up Legend, I packed enough for a couple of weeks.” This is not the woman who was scared and out of her mind Friday when she got the paperwork stating Liam was released early. If anything, she’s regrouped and has come back stronger than ever. I’d like to think I had something to do with that, even though I know I sure as hell didn’t.

  “Good, I’d rather not have you going back and forth by yourself. I know we talked about you taking your own vehicle, but after today, you’re sticking to me like glue.”

  “It’s a good thing I don’t mind that, then.” Her voice is dripping with desire, and I know exactly what she has up her sleeve.

  I park the vehicle in the oversized garage that allows more than just one vehicle even though it claimed to be a two-car garage when I bought the home. It was all part of the update before I even moved in. Slade, Drake, Easton, and I all had our share of sleeping on the couches at Nighthawk when we first got started. It wasn’t a hardship while the house was being renovated too.

  There’s a spot right beside my now parked Tahoe that would be perfect for Kellie. If I have my way, once this shit is over and done with, that’s where she’ll park her car. She and Legend, with me now and forever.

  I hop out and head toward the back to grab her bags. Kellie wasn’t kidding when she said she packed for a while. The trunk is full of bags and Legend’s things, which shows just how much she loves the pup—two dog beds, dog food, a jar of treats, and a basketful of chew toys for him.

  “You need help? I’ll go let him out back and come help you,” she offers. Legend is prancing around, ready to go explore.

  “Nah, I’ll get it all squared away then meet you out back. What are we grilling for the crew?” I ask so I know what meat I’ll have to thaw.

  “Oh, whoops. I guess we should have talked about that on the way home. I figured since the guys would be here this evening, we may as well invite Taylor and Raelynn too. You grill whatever you feel like eating. I’ll make the sides.”

  I love that she’s making herself at home at my place. “Mi casa es su casa, or however the hell they say it. You have the key, sunshine, and you know the codes. You could have been using it the entire time.”

  “Bridger.” Her voice is soft. I know that tone. She’s embarrassed though she has nothing to be embarrassed about. I walk to her, needing her to hear what I’m about to say that leaves no thoughts in her head that could cloud her judgment.

  “No, sunshine. It’s okay. I knew the shit you were going through. I didn’t tell you that to make you feel bad. It’s just something you needed to know. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Kellie’s hands wrap around my waist, holding on to my shirt as she looks up into my eyes and says, “I know, but back then I wasn’t ready. I barely believed in myself. I was scared of my own shadow at one point. You taking your time with me, that was the best thing you could have done, and I can’t thank you enough. It’s why what I feel for you now has come so naturally. You make me feel more than I ever have in my life.” Her hands dig in tighter to my sides, bringing me closer to where I want to be most.

  “And Bridger?” Her voice, fuck, I could probably come from it alone.

  “Yeah, sunshine?” I respond.

  “You’re the only one I’ll ever want.” She reaches up, her lips seeking mine. Once I taste her, I know everything is going to be forgotten. I’m about to make this woman mine, much the same as she’s made me hers.

  “Damn straight. I won’t let you forget it either,” I reply in between nipping her lips then soothing them.

  “Good, meet me in your room in ten minutes? I’ll have your surprise ready and waiting for you.” She turns around, scurrying into the house. I shake my head then return to my task of unloading the Tahoe of her things, all while thinking of the ways I’m going to make her mine today.



  I did not think this through. I’m taking out Legend while Bridger is lugging all of our belongings, and I may have overpacked, big time. Though, I saw what Taylor went through with that whole Eric situation, and Slade almost lost his mind. We were all beyond cautious, and shit still happened. I knew as soon as that call came through and saw the fury written on Bridger’s face that my days of coming and going were through.

  While he’s doing that, I’m out back, letting Legend do his thing. There’s no way I’ll be able to sneak upstairs, freshen up, and get into place before him. Especially with the way Legend is sniffing everything he can get his nose on. I don’t even bother trying to rein him in. My place has a yard, but nothing to this magnitude. Plus the pool. I have a feeling my cute fluffy puppy will be in and out of the pool all while dishing out a side of mud.

  “I’ll watch him, sunshine.” Bridger’s arms slide around my waist as he pulls me into his chest.

  “You sure?” I tip my head back wanting to see his eyes, the colors so glaringly different from one another. Never in my life did I think I would meet someone with two different-colored eyes. The variations are remarkable, and if this goes in the direction I think it will, our children could have his eyes.

  “Of course, he’s going to be busy for a bit. I may need to install a doggie door for the scamp.” Bridger nods his head to indicate where Legend is. He’s rolling around in the grass he pulled out with his teeth.

  “His puppy stage may last forever. They say Goldens really never outgrow this stage.” I wince thinking about the mayhem he could create.

  “I’m not worried about that. Go get ready for this surprise you have in store for me. My palms are already itching to see what you’re giving me.” I turn around to face him, looping my arms around his neck before saying, “I think you’ll like what you’ll find.” He’s giving me the perfect opportunity to make this exactl
y how I want it.

  Taylor, that woman, she’s the best. We texted earlier this morning, and she was definitely my sounding board when I told her how I wanted to seduce Bridger. Now, I’m getting my chance. I give Bridger a quick kiss on the corner of his lips, knowing if I linger much longer, I’ll never leave.

  “I’m sure I will.” The smack on my ass as I leave sends shivers down my spine.

  It takes me no time to walk upstairs and to the master bedroom. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that my things would be in his room. The way we took to each other, clinging after all the orgasms we wrung dry from one another, it’s like we’ve been building up to this since we meet.

  “Where is it?” I murmur as I start going through one of the four bags I packed. “Could you have packed any more, Kellie Marie Bennett?” I go through two more bags before I find exactly what I’m looking for. When Taylor said, Wear something that’s true to yourself but makes him go crazy, I knew exactly what to wear. The knee-high socks are perfect to go along with my white tank top that’s practically see through, highlighting what I know will make Bridger lose his mind. I pair it with a pair of boy short panties before I shove everything in the master closet, pull the covers back, and sit on the bed, trying to find the perfect position to look appealing but also be comfortable in.