It's Her Love Page 3
I’m walking out of the elevator with a huge smile on my face, when two arms reach me from behind. I tense up automatically until I realize who’s hands are on me and I can smell what I’ve come to know as Vincent’s unique scent of leather, with an undertone of citrus. I fall back deeper into his body; his grasp becomes firmer, and this is the best good morning I’ve had in a long ass time.
“Babe,” he murmurs into my ear, making my skin break out in goosebumps.
“Hey,” I whisper huskily.
I can feel his hard on even with the layers in between us. I wiggle my ass backwards more and hear him rush out, “Fuck.”
“If you don’t stop moving that delicious ass, I’ll be taking you to my place instead of what I have planned for today.”
“What if I want to go back to your place?” I ask.
“You’re making it hard for me to take it slow, Sophia,” he responds back.
“He said hard,” I say with a snort. Trying to soften things up. He told me he wouldn’t rush me and well I don’t really want to be the one to rush him either.
Vince is now chuckling as hard as I am, me for snorting and laughing and him for who knows, maybe the joke or maybe me snorting.
“Ready to go parasailing?” he asks me.
“What! No freaking way! How did you know I wanted to do that? Are you inside my head or something?” I’m joking as I turn my head to look over my shoulder at him.
“Ha, maybe you’re coming into my room at night and whispering what you want to do while I’m sleeping?” he asks but with humor in his voice.
“I assure you if I sneak into your place, I’d be whispering more than going parasailing,” I’m not sure where those words come from, but as soon as they’re out, my hand is slapped over my mouth.
“Babe, you ever wanna come to my place you let me know. I’ll be awake though, and you can tell me everything you want to really do,” he says with seriousness in his tone, and it makes me blush and gets me wet, all at the same time.
Chapter 12
We get to the dock where the parasailing is being held and I notice Sophia struggling with getting her sunscreen on her back. I don’t even ask if she needs help, I just grab the lotion and start applying it all over her back and along her sides, my fingers grazing the sides of her breasts. Her sharp intake of breath lets me know she feels exactly what I’m doing. I told Soph we’d take things slow, but Jesus, what she does to me. The cold showers are not helping, The relentlessness of me jacking off sure isn’t doing anything to relieve the ache I have inside my balls, and her rocking back into my cock earlier today, yeah, I’m walking around with a permanent fucking boner.
But for Sophia, I’d walk around like this for years, just to get her to trust me and become more comfortable around me.
I finish applying her lotion and then hand her the bottle back and ask, “Mind if you coat my back?”
“Sure,” she says with a wink. I’m sure she’s going to pay me back in her own time and way for teasing her. Little does she know, I’m looking forward to it.
No sooner is she done, the staff on the boat comes up and gets us both harnessed in and we take off. Sophia is laughing and smiling non-stop and I’m thankful as fuck I took the day off to spend it with her.
I turn to look her way and she catches my gaze; I lean in towards her and she does the same to me, giving her a kiss. I only hope that today goes in the record books for one of the best days ever for Sophia.
We finish parasailing, getting out and taking the photographs the boat mate took of us, and Sophia instantly takes it and holds it to her chest.
“Sorry, I’m keeping this,” she tells me.
“That’s okay, Babe. We’ll take more,” I tell her with a wink, and we grab our stuff they stored for us while we were above the water.
I take her back to my place, planning on making lunch for her and sitting out in what is my backyard, the beach. I have a private area with sun loungers and an umbrella, that I’m hoping we can relax, eat, and get to know each other better.
“Vince, where are we going?” she asks.
“My place. I’m making us some lunch, then we can sit around out back and enjoy the rest of the day. Is that okay?” I don’t want her to say no. I’m praying she won’t but if she does, I’d detour us right here and take her out to eat to one of the restaurants instead.
“You mean I actually get to see your place?” she throws out saucily. She’s coming out of her shell more and more. It helps that I’m showing her that I’m not just interested in getting her into my bed. I enjoy simply being around Sophia. Yeah, I’d love to finally be between her gorgeous fucking legs, but right now, her here, it’s better than I could have hoped for.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, smart ass. Come on,” I grab her hand as she walks next to me, right where she’s meant to be, at my side.
Chapter 13
I didn’t think I’d actually get the chance to go to Vince’s place. I mean it’s been six days now and nothing more than deep passionate kisses have happened, some groping, and me definitely acting like a harlot and rubbing up against him as much as I can. When he opens the door and ushers me inside, I take everything in. It’s a beautiful place, gleaming tile floors, windows that give you a panoramic view of the ocean, but it’s kind of barren, as if he barely comes here and when he does it’s definitely not to decorate the space. Other than that, the open floor plan, the stainless-steel appliances, what little furniture he has, it’s spectacular. Part of me is hopeful that maybe one day I can be the woman to make it feel more like a home and less like a house with four walls and a roof.
“I know, I know. I’ve had this place for how long now and it still looks like it did when it was built,” he echoes my thoughts.
“It is really nice though. The views. The floor plan. It’s amazing, Vince,” I tell him with my eyes still glued to the view.
“It is, but with you standing there, that view, fuck, that view is better than anything I’ve ever seen before,” he mumbles.
I turn around to face him, but he’s already in the kitchen taking food out for our lunch, and I’m thankful as ever. I’m absolutely starving.
“What can I do to help?” I ask him. One thing I do love to do is cook. Even back in New York just for myself, I’d cook dinners and then freeze the extras so I wouldn’t always eat out.
“Want to make the salad, while I get the shrimp and steak kabobs on the grill?” he asks me.
“Yeah, everything in the fridge?”
“Yep, help yourself to whatever. I’ll be right back,” he tells me with a graze of a kiss on my lips.
I get started on the salad, grabbing spinach, tomato, avocado, blue cheese crumbles, and the blue cheese salad dressing. I can tell Vince has been watching what I eat when we’re out and about together. I’m obsessed with blue cheese and will eat it on any and everything, including French fries. I’m searching high and low for a cutting board when I feel Vince behind me, his hands on my hips. “Babe,” he grunts out as I can’t help but rock against him. I can feel every inch of him including his impressive length and girth.
“Vince, please,” I moan out, praying that he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t this time. Thank goodness. He reaches around to my shorts, unbuttoning them and whisks them down my legs, his hands on the side of my bikini pulling the strings that tie the back to the front. I’m naked below the waist, still bent over when he pulls my back to his chest.
I feel his hands run over my folds and I hear him sigh in relief at the feel of my wetness. I moan louder, rocking into his fingers, trying to get him where I need him most, inside me.
“Not gonna take you yet Soph, but I’m sure as fuck gonna make you come,” he says before I find myself turned around and my ass planted on the granite counter tops.
“Lean back, Babe, let me see what’s mine” he demands, and I gradually spread my legs for him. I stay up on my elbows, wanting to see everything he has planned
to do to me.
He’s hunched over, just staring at me in my most intimate place. It’s enough to make me squirm. When he finally darts his tongue out, my head rocks back on my shoulders. He slowly opens me before he dives in. He’s licking and sucking, and at one point I can sense him breathing me in. He adds a finger to the mix, just barely and once he feels my tightness, he slowly retreats, and pays more attention to my clit. His finger is still inside me and when I rock my hips towards him it makes his finger go that much further inside.
“Shit,” he mumbles and before I know it, he’s using his fingers and his tongue and I’m falling over the ledge and having the most intense experience in my life.
Chapter 14
God damn, the taste of Sophia on my lips, feeling her barrier against my finger. Fuck, it’s enough to make me come in my god damn shorts.
“Sophia, Babe. You okay?” I ask her, she’s still flat on her back.
“Yeah, but I think I’m seeing stars,” she mumbles out, and I chuckle and help her sit up. I bring my lips down to her, allowing her to taste herself on my lips. She’s greedy as ever and has no problem responding to my kiss. When she slowly gathers her wits, I grab her bikini bottoms and help her tie them back in place. She’s not shy at all around me right now, “Where’s the kitchen cleaner?”
“Under the sink,” I grab it from under the sink. She takes it out of my hands and starts to clean the area she was just laying on. I’m disappointed to see the mess she made leave, but fuck I’m hopeful I can do it again.
She stops me before I head back out and kisses me again. She’s on the tips of her toes, her hands wrapped around my neck and this time I let her take the lead. Her tongue is apprehensive at first, but as soon as I open for her, she’s delving in. When she finally goes back to her normal height and is off her toes she whispers, “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for Soph, want you every single way I can have you,” I tell her before grabbing a platter and heading out towards the grill again.
I’m outside with a smile on my face and finishing up the final touches on our food when Sophia comes out with plates, bowls, and utensils. She darts back inside for the salad, dressing and napkins just as I’m placing the platter on the small bistro style table I have out here.
“Everything looks amazing. Thank you so much for having me, Vince,” she says as she’s making her plate.
“You’re always welcome here, Babe,” I tell her honestly. We sit down and eat our meal, shooting the shit, and figuring out what she’s going to do tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to fucking work. I should have just taken the rest of the week off and said fuck it, and deal with the day to day nonsense later on.
“What are your plans tomorrow?” I ask her, as she’s moaning over the steak she’s eating.
“This steak is delicious. Umm…I have a massage scheduled on the beach tomorrow, and then after that I’m going to shop a little in the boutiques. What are your plans?”
“Working, as much as I don’t want to. I’m hoping to get off around two though. Any plans for the evening?”
“None, that I’m aware of,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes.
“I’ll pick you up as soon as I’m changed out of my monkey wear and we’ll go do something fun,” I tell her and the thought of having to put on a pair of dress pants and dress shirt is enough to make me grimace. I’m definitely liking the more casual days I’ve had this week.
“Sounds good. I’ll have my phone by me. If you need to reschedule, in case your meetings last longer or something happens,” she says and it sounds good in theory, but fuck that.
“It’s not going to last long, if I have my way,” I tell her truthfully.
“Well, just in case. I know you’re busy and didn’t come down here just to entertain me.”
“Babe, I’d rather be with you any day of the week than working,” I tell her adamantly.
“Okay,” she says and we both finish our meal.
Chapter 15
We spend the rest of the day lounging around in Vince’s backyard. We even took a dip in the ocean a couple of times, and I have to say salty kisses from Vince are the best kisses yet.
“I’m going to run to my hotel room and get out of these wet clothes, and turn in for the night,” I tell him. I don’t think he wants me spending the night, or if he does, he hasn’t mentioned it yet.
“Soph, you can shower here. You can wear some of my clothes and stay here tonight.”
“Well, okay. I wasn’t sure if I was staying or going,” I say to him.
“You’re definitely staying if I have my way,” he chuckles.
Just like that, I guess I’m staying. I walk towards his master bedroom, and it’s like the rest of the house. It’s minimally decorated, but the bed! Goodness, the bed is huge and elevated. I blush looking at it, and then veer to the left to head into the bathroom.
I start the shower as I slowly divest myself of my shorts, tank top, and bathing suit. I see the towels are out and easy to grab and then I get in the shower. I guess I wasn’t thinking this through all the way because as I’m looking around all I see is body wash. No shampoo or conditioner. Men have it so easy.
I grab the body wash and start lathering myself up when, I hear a door open. I don’t think anything of it, like maybe Vince is just grabbing something and then walking back out, but I’m shocked when I feel his hands taking over washing my body. I lean back into him, something I’m finding myself doing more and more of.
I turn around, unsure of myself being naked in front of Vince and him being naked as well and tell him what I believe could possibly be the most embarrassing thing in the world.
“Vince, I uh…I have to tell you something,” I tell him while keeping my eyes on his, which isn’t easy with his hands on my body.
“Babe, you can tell me anything,” he murmurs into my ear as he slowly moves his chest against mine, my nipples scrapping against his hard chest. I tip my head backwards enjoying the moment when his lips land on my throat, every thought goes away.
“Vince,” I moan out loud.
“Yeah, Babe. You can come just like this, can’t you. With my lips and tongue on these cherry tipped nipples,” he says as he dives back in, one hand on my hip, the other on my nipple, and of course his mouth on my other nipple. I somehow manage to get my hand wrapped around his cock, my fingers barely meeting as I wrap them around him and slowly stroke him from root to tip, praying that I’m doing this right and enough to make him feel good, or as good as he makes me feel.
“Just like that Soph, fuck yea,” he groans out and I try to keep my pace as he manipulates my body.
“I’m going to come Vince,” I moan and then my body trembles. I’m coming down from my orgasm, when Vince’s hands wrap around mine, as he helps me jack him off. I look at his face and see him bite the corner of his lip before I feel his warmth cover my body.
“Shit, Babe, best day of my life,” he says into my ear, before we rinse each other off, and get out of the shower.
He’s toweling dry my body, not allowing me to do a single thing when he asks, “What did you want to tell me Soph?”
Chapter 16
I’m watching Sophia, her cheeks are flush, and I can’t tell if it’s from the orgasm I gave her or what she’s about to tell me. I have a feeling it’s the latter. What she doesn’t know is I know what she’s going to say. I felt it earlier with my fingers inside her tight pussy. I knew instantly she was a virgin.
“Well, see….ummm, I’m a virgin,” she rushes out. I gather her in my arms and pick her up, her legs instantly wrapping around my waist. Shit, I’m getting hard again.
“Knew that already, Soph. Grateful as fuck that you saved yourself. The thought of you with anyone else would eat me up inside,” I’m being brutally honest with her, but she has to know I’m going to be the only man for her, from here to eternity.
I continue holding her whi
le we’re in bed, hovering my body over hers, her legs are spread with me between them and it’d be so easy to take our towels off and for me to slide inside and take her, except I won’t. I refuse to hurt her or make her feel like I’m using her. I’m not, and once I take her, I know that I’ll never want her to leave my side.
“Babe, want you to know that I’m in this for the long haul. When your vacation is over, I’m going to do my best to make this work, I want there to be an us, not just an us for right now,” my hands are wrapped in her hair and I’m making sure she’s seeing the truth in my eyes.
I see her tears start leaking, one by one and I kiss them, not wanting to see her shed tears.
“I don’t know why I’m crying; I swear I never blubber like this,” she says, and even with her emotions all over the place, she’s still the most beautiful woman in the world.
“You cry all you need to. I’ll be here to wipe them away, every time one comes down,” and this time I take her mouth. It’s slower than I want to take her, but right now I know she needs slow and steady, and I’ll be the one to give it to her.
When we break apart, I slide her under the covers, and dispose of our towels before joining her. We’re skin to skin; I tuck her back into my front and she sinks back further into me. My dick has other ideas. I’m doing my best to ignore it, but Sophia has other ideas as she wiggles her ass into me.