Mail Ordered Bride Page 2
The food is good, if you forget the vegetables. I eat a few of the carrots and what I guess are peas. Would it be too much to ask to have some potatoes in it? I put the dishes in the sink and decide to go to the bedroom. I might not be able to talk to her tonight, but having her in my bed will soothe something inside of me.
As I move through the house I get a scent of jasmine. I like it. As I open up the door to my room, the scent begins to fade. My bed is there, still made and completely untouched. I walk back down the hall. The first spare room is empty, but in the second there’s a lump of quilts in the middle of the bed. That’s it. I can’t see Carly anywhere, but the room is dark except for the moonlight coming through the windows and the scent of jasmine is strong enough I figure she’s buried somewhere in there. I’m torn.
I want to carry her to my bed and hold her there. But I don’t want to scare her off. My dick is throbbing with the need to claim the woman that I’ve decided was mine for the last few months.
I finally back away and head to my shower. I need to jack off so I can get some rest. I may do it this way tonight, but this will be the last night my hand takes the place of Carly’s warm pussy.
Chapter Four
I wake up suddenly, the sound of a closing door echoing. I blink as my eyes try to focus in the dark. I can hear footsteps in the hall. I look at the bedside clock and it’s getting close to eleven. I suppose the right thing to do would to be go and talk to him. It would be cowardly to hide in my bedroom. I want this to work, even if I’m not the person he’s been writing back and forth with. I need to make an effort. I was sleeping in the pajamas I brought with me. They’re pink and fuzzy, pretty nondescript. The top is barely more than a tank. I decide to go and brush my teeth before I talk to Stone, and to slip on my robe.
A few minutes later I’m knocking on his bedroom door. He doesn’t answer, but it’s slightly ajar. I open it gingerly, unsure of what might greet me. His room is empty. I start to go back into the kitchen when I hear his shower. My gaze automatically moves toward the sound and I stand frozen.
The bathroom is connected to the bedroom and it’s all open; there are no doors to differentiate the rooms. It’s just one big space with a huge soaking tub, double sinks and a huge walk-in shower. A walk-in shower that has a glass door from floor to ceiling. I would think it was a steam shower, but there’s no steam. I can see Stone clearly. He’s huge. He has muscles everywhere. His chest is so wide that he looks like a professional football player made to tackle anything that got in his path. His arms are muscular and big, reminding me of the width of a young tree, solid and firm… intimidating and sexy at the same time. His hair is long too. It’s dark, wet and spills down his expansive back. Some of his hair has fallen forward, hiding most of his face from view, and I wish it would move. I’ve seen a couple of pictures of Stone, but they didn’t prepare me for this. In person, he’s so much… more. He’s more of everything. Every. Little. Thing.
My gaze travels down farther to take in his stomach and the muscles clenching there. He’s got abs, the kind you see on a man in a magazine and know they can’t be real. Soap bubbles are sliding over him and I go weak in the knees watching. I’ve never been in lust before, but I definitely am now and it is instant. And then… my breath stalls. My heart speeds up to the point that I hear it drumming in my ears. My eyes are glued on his hand.
A hand that’s wrapped around a very large cock. The kind of cock that might kill a woman. The kind of cock that would definitely make you walk funny for days after sampling.
Hell, maybe even weeks.
I don’t move. I’m hypnotized by the way his hand works that big, thick… Oh God. Back and forth he moves, working his shaft. Through the door, and with all the water from the shower, there’s no way to see, but I’m sure his cock is covered in his cum. I’ve never really been a sexual person, but for a brief moment my eyes close as I imagine sinking to my knees in front of him and sucking his cock inside my mouth, tasting him on my tongue.
It’s just that beautiful.
I open my eyes, startled from my dream, when I hear his groan. My gaze jerks up to his face and he’s looking right at me. I bring my hand up to my neck. I’m breathing so hard I can feel and hear each breath. I start to back away, but I can’t. The look in his eyes dares me to watch. I can see it as clearly as if he said the words aloud.
That stops me from running away.
I watch his hand work his cock; the head is dark and angry looking and my thighs are so wet watching. This feels wicked, naughty and definitely forbidden. My nipples grow harder and harder as I watch him jack himself off. My hand shakes with the need to touch myself, but I don’t. I haven’t lost complete control of my actions—at least not yet. I feel the exact minute that Stone starts to orgasm. His body stiffens, and I watch as his muscles flex, showing their power. Then his body seems to jerk and he lets out a low, pleasure-filled moan that is throaty and graveled and dances across my skin like a touch. I watch as cum jets from his cock in a long stream that crashes against the shower door as if it’s trying to get to me. Right to me.
I look up to see Stone’s face. His dark eyes are promising things I can’t comprehend. In that moment part of me panics.
I don’t know this man.
I back away and I can see the disappointment in his face. It makes me want to stop, but I don’t. I turn and run from the room.
Chapter Five
Disappointment fills me as Carly flees from the room. I let the water finish washing away my cum and then I step out, securing a towel on my hip. She liked what I did. She wanted me. Fuck, there was a moment I thought she would get in the shower with me and I wanted her to. She’s prettier than she was in her pictures. Smaller than I imagined. I’ll have to hold myself back with her and I’ll definitely have to protect her from the harshness of the Alaskan weather, but everything about her calls to me—even more so now that I have actually laid eyes on her.
There are several ways I could play this, but I need her and after what we just shared in my room, I know she’s just as hungry for me. I take off to her room and turn the doorknob, only to discover it’s locked.
“Let me in, Carly,” I order. My voice is darker that I should use on her, but I just came and I’m already fucking hard again.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Stone,” comes her soft reply. She’s close to the door, I can tell from her voice, but I’d swear that I can feel her heat through the door. It’s as if what we just shared has connected me with her some elemental way.
“We need to talk.” That sounded better than “We need to fuck”—which is what I want and definitely what I started to say.
“I think it would be best if we talked in the morning, after I’ve… we’ve both cleared our heads.”
“Carly, open the door.”
“I’m not sure this is going to work,” she whispers, and that’s enough of that. I wanted her before. She was the answer to a dream I’ve long held. But I could have done without her and moved on before. After watching her face as I come—after seeing her body and the way she responded to me—even from a distance... There’s no way I’m letting her go now.
“Are you going to unlock this door?” I ask her.
“I… I need to forget, get over everything. We can talk in the morning,” she says and I grin.
She wants to forget what just happened between us. I won’t let that happen. I won’t let her forget a moment we share together from now on.
“Stand back from the door, Carly.”
“I just don’t think it… What did you say?”
“I said stand back from the door, baby.”
“You called me baby,” she repeats, sounding stunned.
“You don’t like being called baby?” I ask in return and find I’m still smiling.
“No. I mean, I do! It’s just, I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.”
“Good. I like that I�
�ll be the only one.”
“You do?”
“Definitely. Now stand back from the door.”
“Did you move away?” I ask, knowing she did because her voice is fainter.
“I did,” she responds. “But I still don’t understand.”
“Take another couple of steps,” I instruct. I give her a minute to do as I ask and then I position my shoulder against the door.
If I had known that I was going to be breaking into my own bedrooms, I wouldn’t have made the doorframes and doors out of solid wood. It’s too late now, however. It takes a couple of tries, but on the third hit with my shoulder, the door gives away. It opens to a startled Carly, who is standing there with her mouth open, gaping at me.
“You knocked down the door,” she stutters out.
“I did,” I answer, stalking toward her. In response she backs away, frightened. I should feel like an asshole, but I like that she’s frightened. And I might have once wanted a tall woman, but I like that she’s smaller. I’m the predator and she’s my prize. My prize to care for, to hold, and to protect.
“You… you need to leave,” she says, and the nervousness in her voice only increases when I pin her between me and the bed.
“I’m going to.”
“You are?”
“Yeah, baby, I am.”
“Oh. Well, okay then.”
“And you’re going with me,” I tell her as I reach down and grab her. I place her over my shoulder, so that her torso and head stretch down my back. Her ass is hanging over my front and I’d swear to fuck that I can feel the heat of her pussy pressed against me there.
I suddenly feel more alive than I have in years.
Chapter Six
I should be scared, and maybe somewhere underneath the lust that’s clawing through my system right now, I am. I do feel on the verge of a panic attack, but that’s because I think I made the wrong decision. Stone is acting like a caveman, but then he thinks we’ve spent months and months pouring our hearts out together online and on paper. If I put myself in his position, I can understand his urgency.
But I wasn’t the one he talked to.
I’ve read through the letters, but not the online conversations or texts. Tally assured me there wasn’t that many because his connection here in Alaska wasn’t secure, but the fact that there were some scares me.
What don’t I know?
What did I—Tally—say?
What did she promise?
Those are the questions that are swarming through my mind at the speed of light and causing me to panic. His big hand wraps firmly around my thighs as we walk back to his room. His heated touch seems to burn me. I can’t stop myself from watching the way his ass juts against the white cotton towel. It bubbles out, a firm mass that makes me weak. Stone has a really nice ass. I watch the muscles flex, unable to look away, and too caught up in the movement to protest further—like I really should.
When we get to the bedroom he lays me down on his bed and I scramble up against the headboard. He grins down at me.
“I won’t bite you, Carly.”
“I… I didn’t think you would,” I mutter, refusing to blush.
“Unless you ask me,” he grins.
“I won’t,” I huff and he laughs. “You’re being… scary,” I tell him and that cocky look he’s wearing seems to disappear quickly.
“Are you scared?”
“Be honest with me, Carly.”
I think over everything. I have to admit it. I’m not scared. What we shared in the bathroom was intense, but it could have gone down many ways and it didn’t. It was hot, but Stone didn’t force anything on me. He went a little crazy on his door, but he’s handled me with care—even while packing me around like a sack of potatoes.
“It depends on what you have planned,” I tell him, hedging.
“You came here to marry me, didn’t you, Carly?” he asks after studying me, and I can’t make myself meet his eyes.
“Kind of.”
“Kind of?” he asks, and this time I can hear anger in his voice. I had thought about telling him the complete truth. With his reply, I decide that might not be my wisest course of action. If he kicks me out, I have nowhere to go. Plus… as insane as it is to even think it—I like being around him. I don’t really want to leave.
“I thought maybe we’d get to know each other and see if we were… compatible.”
“Get to know each other?”
“We’ve been doing that for months.”
“But not in person. I don’t think I can just… jump into bed with someone I haven’t spent real time with.”
“We’ve spent real—”
“I mean in person,” I interrupt him.
He studies me with a hard stare and I resist the urge to squirm underneath it.
“Fine?” I ask, feeling relieved. I start inching my way down from the head of the bed, intending to return to my room—or his guestroom, I suppose.
“Fine,” he repeats. “Get under the cover.”
“You want me to sleep in here?”
“Yes,” he says, walking back toward the bathroom. I guess he’s going to pack his toiletries and take the guestroom. That’s really nice of him, but not necessary.
“You don’t have to give me your room. I like the guestroom; it was very comfortable,” I tell him.
“You’ll be sleeping in my bed,” he grumbles, not turning around.
“Uh, okay then. Thank you?” I tell him and it sounds like a question, because I’m not sure I should be thanking him. It kind of felt like an order.
“Get under the cover. I’ve had a long day and if we’re not finishing what we started in the shower, then I need to get some sleep,” he says, his voice rumbling, as he comes back in. I get under the cover and he frowns. “Do you always sleep in so many clothes?”
“Well, yes. They’re pajamas. You’re supposed to sleep in them.”
“That will have to change.” He frowns and I have no idea what he means—mostly I’m afraid to ask.
His hand goes to the towel on his hip and he untucks it. It falls to the ground and reveals him completely—in all his glory.
Oh. My. God.
“What are you doing?” I squeak.
“Going to bed,” he answers, sliding under the cover. I scramble back to the middle of the large king-sized bed.
“But I just explained why we shouldn’t have sex!”
“And we’re not. We’re sleeping together. You think we need real time together and so we’ll get it. The best way to start that is to spend our nights sleeping in the same bed.”
“But… you’re naked!”
“I sleep that way.”
“Stone, I can’t—”
“Carly, you have my word I won’t force myself on you. We’ll just sleep tonight.”
“We will?”
“I won’t fuck you until you ask me to. You’re safe here, but you are going to sleep with me.”
I blush at his frank reply. I’m not used to a man speaking so… Well, I’m just not used to it. The fact that I feel all my girly parts heat and shiver at his words is a little unsettling.
“You promise?”
“I promise. Now roll over on your side so I can at least hold you,” he sighs, turning out the bedside light and flooding the room with darkness.
“I usually sleep on my stomach,” I tell him, hesitantly.
“Then climb on top of me. I don’t care, but I am holding you, Carly. I’ve thought of nothing else for months and that’s one thing that’s non-negotiable.”
I shiver, imaging sleeping on top of a very naked Stone—a very naked and aroused Stone.
“Uh, I think I’ll just roll over,” I tell him, giving him my back.
“I figured,” he answers and then he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back into his body. His cock is
pushing against my ass and when I try to wiggle away, he pulls me tighter. “Go to sleep.” I try again to get away—to no avail. “You keep moving that ass of yours against me like that, Carly, and I’m going to think you want more than just sleep.”
I go instantly still. He laughs softly and I can feel it vibrate in his body. His body heat begins to warm me and with his arm tight around me, I definitely feel safe.
“Goodnight, Stone,” I whisper after a bit, deciding to stop worrying. I came all this way, I have to give it a chance. And honestly, I’ve never felt safer than right now—in Stone’s arms.
“Goodnight, baby,” he says and kisses the top of my head.
I smile and drift off to sleep. Baby. Yeah. I like that a lot.
Chapter Seven
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
The words just come when I look down and see that Carly has curled into me. Her leg is thrown over my hip, her head is resting against my neck and her hand is curled into my hair. For someone that was afraid to touch me before she went to bed, she certainly got comfortable overnight. It’s a good feeling. One that settles in my heart and solidifies what I’ve already known from the first moment I saw Carly’s picture.
She’s the one.
She shifts, bringing her body closer to mine and tilting her head. Her fingers bite into my skin as if holding onto me. Her leg moves higher up on my hip and I want to groan. I should have made her take off these fucking pants last night. If she had I could have slipped my dick inside of her so easily.
I feel her lips against my neck and it’s not so much a kiss as a touch of her lips, but I close my eyes because I feel that simple touch all the way to my soul. Others might laugh, say I’ve been alone too long. I don’t give a fuck. Just because women are in short supply here, it doesn’t mean I had to do without one. I’ve been alone because I chose to be. I learned long ago that fucking for the sake of getting my cock wet was empty. I wanted more. Carly is more for me. I have a feeling that in no time, she could be everything.